ECOTRÓPICA - Foundation for Supporting Life in the Tropics - is a non-governmental, nonprofit organisation, established in Cuiabá-MT on 21 June 1989, declared of State Public Utility by Law 7.006 on 22 May 1998 and acknowledged as an OSCIP - Civil Society Organisation of Public Interest.


Through its conservationist actions, the Foundation not only contributes to improving the relationship between man and the environment, but also defends nature and all its surroundings as the basis for sustaining all forms of life.

Our mission is to "Contribute to the conservation and preservation of natural resources and the maintenance of the quality of life in Brazilian tropical ecosystems". Thus, through its "in situ" Biodiversity Protection Project, four areas of fundamental importance have been acquired adjacent to the Pantanal National Park: Acurizal, Penha and Rumo ao Oeste located in Serra do Amolar, and to the northeast of the Park, Dorochê. These areas have been declared Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) and, today added to the Pantanal National Park, we have approximately 190,000 hectares of protected areas.

In 2000 the RPPNs, together with the Pantanal National Park, were declared a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO and are also part of the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve.

In recent years, the Foundation has consolidated its extensive work of preserving the reserves and improving the environment, strengthening institutional relations with participation in forums and state councils.

Today we are directly contributing to the recovery from the effects of the severe fires that recently affected the Pantanal.